Sunday, April 13, 2008

Where's Spring?

Summer is coming~...

It's sunny today~ And, it's hot~ You know what, the first English sentence I heard today was "Do enjoy today's weather ?" I suddenly realized that weather was the must common topic for Canadians. I said the weather changes much faster than I thought. However, it was reasonable because we were in Calgary.

One of my friends found a frostbitten dove outside her window in that snowing day. The snow was so heavy and the dove was badly hurt that it could not fly. She took it home and tried to make it feel warmer. During the first day the dove laid on the ground without moving. My friend said it looks like a cat laying in the corner. However, two days after it could move and fly, so she let it fly outside. She was so happy to save the dove's life. In fact, she expected it could go back to her window sometime in the future, and it was also what I wished.

It is going to be the spring vacation. I planed to find a new job so that I can have different experiences. Having different experiences in different work places is an exciting thing that I always expect. But which job should I apply I still can not make my mind. Therefore, my dear friends, if there are some good suggestions or golden work opportunity please let me know^^~ I will appreciate~

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Weekend is coming!

It's Friday, I was back to work again. It's good to work sometimes because work brings me the sense of belongingness I mean I could do something for some unknown people by my heard, sincerely, seriously and carefully. I felt I was needed. I thought people would be happy if they felt needed because it was that moment that people would find their lives suddenly become more meaningful. If nobody cares about my exists, nobody needs me, I will feel lost. However, I will feel happy as long as someone needs me. I can not tell why, but it is true. Maybe , belongingness is one of the most important elements that can decide people's happiness.
However, when I sit down in front of my laptop, and was thinking of all things that happened during the whole day. I suddenly became uneasy. I met lots of people, both known and unknown, both close and distant, but who is the one that I can believe? Does it mean those people whom you know and who are close to you are the most like to believe? I've know idea. Then, is it necessary foe people to believe someone? Or it will be better for us to believe ourselves? What if I can not believe myself either? who knows and who cares...
Happy Friday and Happy weekend!~

Thursday, April 10, 2008


We had presentation today; we had heavy snow today; however, I had sad feeling today...

I can not finish my blogs; I can not do well in my presentation; I can not go back China in summer; I can not be confident; I can not make myself feel satisfied...

Did I make the right decision? Should I continue going this way? Was it suitable for me? Can I handle it? Can I? I can not make my mind.

Suddenly, here came the snow. Suddenly, world became totally white, sky, grand, as well as the space between them. Some of my friends were talking about plans in summer. Some of them were talking about when would go back home. Some of them were concentrating on final exams. However, I have no idea of everything. I do not have any summer plans because I am still worrying whether I can pass EAP. I do not need to think about when can I go back China because I have to take courses. I do not concentrate on exams because I feel my brain can not work at the moment.

Maybe I do need to have a rest so that I can have a chance to think about myself.
Maybe I do need to relax myself so that I can have enough time to rearrange my feelings.
Maybe I do need to reduce some stress so that I can go longer and feel better.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Blogging Again...

It's going be the end of the semester. I start blogging again... Although I thought blogging must be the easiest forgotten thing that I have ever met, Scott thought it was an awesome thing. I love blog, in fact; however, you may not believe. I have my Chinese blog at My favorite thing is blogging, while I holding an ice cream. Writing long blogs is not my speciality. All my friends know that I'd like to write short passages, like short proses, maybe. I feel it also indicates my attitude toward life--I love being simple. In my point of view, everything happens in people's life, no matter how complex it is, it can be considered into pieces. In this may, life will be much more easier.
Besides, blog is a good way for people to express themselves. Nevertheless, it is a kind of challenge for me to do that, in some cases. Sometimes, I feel I had nothing to say, and I not like the feeling of doing something just because you have to. What's more, expressing personal feelings is really difficult, I think. Some people love to share their feelings while other may not. I do hope to be the former one since expressing will reduce lots of people's stress, but maybe people's behaviors depend on personalities which are hard to change.
In the end of today's blog, I'd like to tell Scott that although I didn't blog lot, I do like your idea of blogging. You know, sometimes if people don't do something very often, it does not mean they not like to do it. Just like I love ice creams, but I will never eat them everyday. Instead, I only remember to eat an ice cream when I feel extremely happy. It may be because doing my favorite thing when I feel pretty good will make me feel even better. Right? HOHO^^...
Maybe I will keep blogging when I have something to talk about even after I finish EAP; however, it may not very frequently...
This week will be a busy week, so hope everybody will be OK^^~ Good Luck!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cycle Life

I haven't worked on my blog for a long time. Though there were quite a lot of stuffs to talk about in fact, I felt tied to write them down sometimes. Even in my Chinese blog, my friends' comments were "Are you still in Mars?" or " Missing your words~ ". Suddenly, I feel it is me! sometimes, I do like writing some small passages to share how I feel with my friends, while in other cases I feel like to stay alone. When lots of things happened during a certain period, I became at a loss. I even didn't know where should I start. It was not a good feeling.

There were always some trifles in people's life. Some friends may suggest you "Don't panic!". It sounds a good suggestion; however, it doesn't work all the time. People have different ways to reduce their stress, such as music, sports, foods or communication. For me, I'd like to sit in front of my laptop, watch animation movies and hold a cup of ice cream or snacks. Nevertheless, as I became adult, more and more worries come out. Nobody knows how and why they come, but all of us hope to be back to the childhood when there are no worries at all. However, to look forward, though the responsibilities and worries keep increasing in our lives, they are the symbol of growing up and they are also the price of growing up. In China, parents always say their children are their sweet burdens, which indicts their love to their children. Once we are all our parents' sweet burdens, and some day we will have our sweet burdens. Life is just a cycle.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hoping for Changing

Recently, I feel upset sometimes because of my part-time job. As most of my friends know, I have my part-time job in Den as a cater. What I did was prepare all the stuffs that they need during the day as well as the next couple of days. However, in this semester I started to work on line instead of catering. I am a newer who knows nothing about how to cook, but I really want to do my best to help those busy line-working people. Nevertheless, what makes me unhappy is that I feel I was so stupid that I always forgot how to cook even if they have taught me several times before. Finally, I was sent to make salad only, but nobody taught me how to make all the salad on the list. As a result, I had to ask, ask, and ask... I know that it will make others feel I am a trouble person who always makes problems. I know I am not good enough, yet I really want to try my best in order to do better and better and give them more help.

I am a person who is afraid of unhappy because if nobody can make me feel better when I feel sad I will feel sadder. Some people choose to sleep, eat, travel, drink, smoke, or talk... However, in most cases, sometimes I will choose to be silent if I don't want to hide my sadness, yet in other cases, I will seem like a happy talkative person if I hope nobody knows.

I still don't know when I can change my situation, but I hope it will get better and better!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

What is the best way to learn a foreign language: in class, on your own, or a combination of two?

Although I have learned English since I was 12 years old, I still could not use English very fluently in fact. It was because I didn't find the right way to be a good language learner. However, when I look back to the past, it might be better if I learned English not only in class but also on my own, I think.

It was not a wise choice if people learn a language only in class. What teachers teach you is not enough for you to master a foreign language because language is not something just related to the text books. Language is a skill that we use everyday. Teacher may ask you to read passages, do exercises, but what's more important is my have to practice all the time. I used to learn English in the exactly way that the teachers told me and I have few chance to talk with others in English. It is the reason why my oral English is not good.

On the other hand, according to my own experience, learning a foreign language by my own is impossible because I feel I am not that smart and I have no idea about how to learn it without being taught.

Therefore, my best way to learn English is to combine both in class learning and self learning. Teacher can teach me how to learn and I should practise the way of learning and make it in to actions so that I may become successful at English.